06/22/1942 - 10/13/2021

Sunsets come, and Sunsets go, some things in life we'll never know
But one day in that by and by, We'll face the Master, and then we'll
understand why, a light like yours that burned so bright now is dimmed.
So we'll just say good night. Just relax for now and get your rest
For joy comes in the morning, And that's when you'll be best.
No more pain, nor sorrow, and no more tears. You've toiled and worked for many years.
So now lay down your shield and sword, You've fought a good fight; go get your reward.
Take flight on the wings of a dove, Your course is set for Heaven above, You'll meet
our Father face to face, He'll say, "Well done, you've finished the race.
Although we hate to see you go, We know it's best, but always know your presence and love
will be missed.