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Betty Mae Dorsett

10/05/1934 - 10/13/2021

I’ve changed my address

I’ve changed my address to heaven; I’ve crossed the Great Divide.

I know there’s no sorrow or crying, because I’ve reached the other side. I am so happy to be here, for the Lord himself I see.

I’ve changed my address to Heaven, I bid this world goodbye. I now live forever with Jesus in my new home.

I have no burdens or heartaches and from tears I am free. I have changed my address to Heaven, that’s the place to find me.

I’ve changed my address to Heaven, I’m safe for evermore. For the Lord built a mansion and my name is on the door.

You can find us walking together, for where he is; I will always be.

I’ve my changed my address to Heaven, that’s the place you’ll find me.



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